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Student Complaints

正规赌博十大平台排行有多种渠道来解决学生可能遇到的问题. Specific processes such as those for tuition appeals, academic decisions or grade appeals are listed below.

Occasionally, 一个学生会在校园遇到一个问题,他或她不知道如何解决. When this happens, 学生们应该先和那些最关心这个问题的人讨论,以此来解决这个问题. 以最直接和诚实的方式处理问题应该是解决问题的第一步. 当学生与教师或工作人员预约并冷静、诚实地沟通他/她的挫折或担忧时,大多数问题都得到了解决.


有时杜学生发现他们对学校为他们处理的事情特别满意, how they were assisted by a particular staff member, 他们在某门课上的积极经历或者在正规赌博十大平台排行发生的其他一些杰出的事情. As a student, 你应该知道,用来表达担忧的同样的途径也可以用来提供书面的赞美或感谢.

Academic Decisions (Excluding Grade Appeals)

学生可以通过学术例外程序申请学术政策的例外,也可以通过学术申诉程序对学术决定提出申诉. Additional information is available on the following pages:

Grade Appeals

成绩申诉必须基于程序问题,而不是基于对学习成绩的判断或意见分歧. Additional information may be found on the following pages:

Tuition Appeals

与退出课程相关的学费和费用的撤销由大学公布的学费退还日期和百分比管理, which are posted on the Registrar's website. In the case of extenuating circumstances that are beyond the student's control, a student may appeal for an exception to the posted dates and percentages. 有关提交上诉的信息可在以下网页找到:

Tuition Appeal

Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation

Concerns or complaints pertaining to discrimination, harassment, 或应直接向多元化和平等机会办公室提出报复:

Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity
2199 S. University Blvd.
Denver, Colorado 80208

Complaint Procedures may be found here:

Online or Distance Learning Programs


Office of the Registrar
2197 S. University Blvd.
Denver, Colorado 80208

不满意的学生也可以向学校投诉 Colorado Department of Higher Education, regardless of the state where the program was offered. Additionally, students can also file complaints with their state agency.

Other Complaints or Grievances

不能通过相关办公室或上述程序解决的投诉或不满,可直接向校长办公室提出. 正式投诉应采用书面形式,并包括对问题的清晰描述和对解决问题的努力的描述. Complaints should be directed to the following address:

Office of the Chancellor
University of Denver
2199 S. University Blvd.
Denver, Colorado 80208

Complaints to External Agencies


Colorado Department of Higher Education

科罗拉多州高等教育部负责管理科罗拉多州的高等教育机构. Their complaint policy may be found here:

Through distance learning and other programs, the University of Denver provides instruction throughout the world. Students may direct concerns or complaints to regulatory agencies in their state. A list of U.S. state education regulatory agencies can be found on the State Contacts page.

Higher Learning Commission

有关院校能否持续达到院校认证标准的投诉,可直接向高等教育委员会提出. 有意向委员会提出适当申诉的个人应花一些时间汇编一份完整的申诉书, as outlined below. There is no complaint form.

  1. 给委员会写一封附信,简要叙述投诉的事实. In most cases, such a narrative need be no longer than a few pages.
  2. 在您的投诉中说明为什么您认为投诉中提出的问题是认证问题. If possible, 在撰写本节之前,请在委员会网站上查看委员会的认证标准.
    你还应表明你认为委员会如何协助你处理此事. Remember that the Commission cannot assist you in understanding your tuition bill, arranging for a refund of tuition, obtaining a higher grade for a course, seeking reinstatement to an academic program, etc.
  3. Attach documentation to support your narrative wherever possible. (For example, if you make reference in your complaint to an institutional policy, include a copy of the policy with your complaint.) Helpful documentation might include relevant portions of the catalog, letters or email exchanged between you and the institution, learning agreements, etc.
  4. A few reminders:
    • Please type your complaint or print very neatly.
    • Please do not use abbreviations or nicknames (e.g., NMS or USC or U of N).
    • Sign and date the cover letter.
    • Include contact information for future correspondence, with a street address.
    • If you are writing on behalf of someone else (son/daughter or client), 确保以书面形式取得该人士的同意,以便你代表他/她与本委员会联络.
  5. 请将信函及其附件邮寄至南拉萨尔街230号委员会办公室, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604-1413. 委员会没有网上投诉系统,也不接受通过电子邮件提出的投诉.

请注意,委员会将不审议那些非书面的和不包含此处所述内容的投诉. 委员会的投诉政策禁止它审议5年以上的事项.


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