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Two distinguished alumni working on the global stage will take center stage at Magness Arena for the University of Denver commencement ceremonies in June.


The University of Denver is welcoming back to campus alumni 莫林何曼 (BA ’02, MA ’03) 和 Marc Nathanson (BA ’67) as the keynote speakers at the graduate 和 undergraduate commencement ceremonies taking place June 14 和 15 在麦格尼斯竞技场.

Both speakers have had highly successful careers—including key government positions in trade 和 diplomacy—和 both are personally dedicated to empowering students to become tomorrow’s leaders 和 changemakers.

Meet Marc Nathanson, undergraduate ceremony speaker


内特森曾担任美国驻阿富汗大使.S. ambassador to Norway from 2022 to February of this year. 猎鹰电缆公司的创始人, Nathanson began working in the federal government in the late 1990s, 当 he served as chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. He has also been vice chairman of the National Democratic Institute, 曾在阿斯彭研究所的董事会任职, 和 was appointed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the board of the East-West Center in Hawaii.  

His interest in Norway goes back to his time at DU, 当, 1966年的夏天, he joined professor Robert Eckelberry on a trip to Norway, Sweden 和 the Netherl和s as part of a course on Sc和inavian government.

“It's all because of the University of Denver,” 内特森告诉DU新闻编辑室 2021年,他被提名为大使, noting that his alma mater sparked his interest in both Norway 和 international relations more broadly.

他和他的妻子简·内特森(BFA) 建立了内特森研究员计划, a partnership between Korbel 和 the Aspen Institute, which provided DU students opportunities to work 和 learn at the world-renowned policy organization. Jane is also a former member of DU's Board of Trustees.


Graduate commencement speaker 莫林何曼 is a leading policy expert on environmental industry 和 co-founder of Silverado政策加速器华盛顿特区的.C.-based nonprofit organization focused on solving geopolitical challenges.

何曼之前 served as director for environment 和 natural resources at the Office of the United States Trade Representative, 她在哪里领导了一系列多边, regional 和 bilateral trade policy initiatives. 她还曾在美国国务院工作.S. Department of Commerce as senior industry trade specialist, specializing in international policy development for the U.S. 环保科技产业.


被《正规赌博十大平台排行》杂志评为“科技巨人”, Hinman credits her Korbel professors for teaching her how to negotiate effectively 和 the importance of being prepared. “谈判的艺术, combined with the rigor of knowing what you’re talking about, 是成功的秘诀吗,她告诉我 杜杂志 去年秋天. 

在西尔维拉多, Hinman started the Catherine Hinman Memorial Fellowship, in honor of her late sister—who was also a DU student—which brings graduate students to D.C. 在夏天处理政策问题. 这个项目, 哪个是基于经济需要, helps students get their start in Washington—和 they always hold a spot for a DU student.

Two graduate commencement ceremonies will be held on June 14. 深红大学的典礼,早上九点半.m. 在麦格尼斯竞技场, includes the College of 艺术, Humanities & Social 科学s; the Daniels College of Business; the DU/Iliff School of Theology Joint Doctoral Program; the Graduate School of Professional Psychology; the Korbel School of International Studies; 和 the Morgridge College of Education. 金奖颁奖典礼,下午两点半.m.包括自然科学学院 & Mathematics; the Graduate School of Social Work; the Ritchie School of Engineering & Computer 科学; 和 University College.

The undergraduate commencement ceremony will be held on June 15 at 9:30 a.m. 在麦格尼斯竞技场.  
