




Megan Lane 和 Kaela 马丁斯 find purpose in their efforts to improve sustainability

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Megan Lane (BA ’13, MA ’14) 和 Kaela 马丁斯 (BS ’16) are proponents of sustainability. While studying at the 正规赌博十大平台排行, the two worked in DU’s 可持续发展中心,协助大学的可持续发展工作. 中心, 哪一家成立于2012年, integrates sustainability practices into campus education 和 engagement.

他们对这个问题的热情并没有在毕业后结束. Lane is now the recycling program administrator for the city of Denver, where she manages municipal facility recycling 和 compost 项目. 马丁斯, who returned to DU in fall 2016 to study environmental policy 和 management, 担任商业可持续发展顾问 清洁环境的合作伙伴 (PACE).

“作为一个科罗拉多人, conservation 和 sustainability have always been a core part of my life … I have always felt it is our responsibility to be environmental stewards,莱恩说. “My particular passion for waste stems from the fact that people interact with waste daily. Recycling empowers people to make a deliberate choice to be sustainable in their daily lives.”

Lane says that while energy 和 water conservation are also important, there is a tangible component to waste that people underst和, 联系并采取行动. 循环再造及堆肥, 她补充说, can be the gateway for people to incorporate other aspects of sustainability into their lives.

作为正规赌博十大平台排行的学生, Lane worked with the sustainability center 和 other campus partners, 比如索迪斯, 将堆肥收集扩展到内格尔大厅, Driscoll Student Center 和 the 里奇中心 with the goal of working toward 零废品 体育赛事. That initiative led to the pilot of a 零废品 hockey program, which this year hit its goal of diverting 82 percent of waste to recycling 和 compost instead of going to l和fills.

Lane credits her experience at the sustainability center for helping her to engage stakeholders at her current job. Lane says she utilizes the lessons she learned to help improve waste-diversion efforts in Denver. She sees promise in the sustainability efforts happening in Denver but says there is still a lot of work to be done in order for people to realize the importance of sustainability.

“I believe one of the biggest obstacles is [the lack of] political will to require entities to pursue rigorous sustainability goals 和 requirements,她说。. “毁, municipalities 和 other organizations may say they care about sustainability but might lack the backing to incorporate sustainable practices in a truly meaningful way.”

对马丁斯来说,可持续发展不仅仅关乎当下. 它在塑造我们的未来方面也起着至关重要的作用. 可持续性, 她说, encompasses the ability for people to live life 和 continue life for others, 这也包括保护地球.

“可持续性对其他人来说应该很重要, 因为如果没有可持续的思维方式, future generations will not be able to exist as luxuriously as we have,马丁斯说. “最常见的, a sustainable life is seen as a hard [goal] to reach for those who do not have the ability to purchase solar panels, 电动汽车和全有机食品. 可持续发展是一种心态——它始于小的决定.”

那些小决定, 她说, 包括乘坐公共交通工具而不是开车, eating home-cooked meals instead of fast food 和 recycling materials instead of throwing them away. 灵感来自她在杜克大学可持续发展中心的工作, 马丁斯 encourages others to live as sustainably as possible — just one of the lessons that has helped her in the workforce.

In her role at PACE, she helps businesses underst和 和 adhere to Boulder’s 《正规赌博十大平台排行》. She also had a h和 in improving the waste diversion rates at DU 体育赛事. 除了曲棍球, 马丁斯 says 2016-17 diversion rates were 74 percent for lacrosse, 65%是体操和篮球, 59%的人喜欢排球,52%的人喜欢足球.

马丁斯 believes the obstacles facing sustainability go beyond one’s willingness to adapt to a more disciplined lifestyle. 手头的问题, 她说, is our failure to connect with one another 和 with the elements around us.

“I believe one of the biggest obstacles [for sustainability] is the inability to make connections. Many environmentalists 和 social justice advocates fail to realize how much they have in common,她说。. “可持续性 is about the environment, equity 和 economy all functioning together. If we continue to fight separate battles, the idea of sustainability will never work.”