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Space Matters: Re-Imagining Marcus Commons

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Speaker Presenting at Marcus Commons Re-Imagining

当已故的电影演员吉恩·怀尔德唱到一个纯粹想象的世界, 它指的是威利·旺卡虚构工厂里的巧克力室. Marcus Commons是一个受欢迎的学生聚集地,该计划是对Marcus Commons的“重新想象” Daniels College of Business在2月11日的“重新想象马库斯共享空间”比赛中,我们发现了同样甜蜜的东西. 23 in DU’s Reiman Theater.

丹尼尔斯商学院(Daniels College of Business)房地产与建筑环境(REBE)项目的10名研究生分为三个小组,介绍了他们将Marcus Commons改造成一个灵活的住宅的想法, 功能, 合作空间给六位行业专家小组:Jeffrey Berkes (BSBA 1985), West Coast president for Federal Realty Investment Trust; Carson Erard (MS 2010), principle of Fielding & Associates; Greg Gidez, corporate manager of design for Hensel Phelps Construction; Jim Lauman, campus architect for the real estate development team at Google; David Radcliffe (MBA 1993), vice president of real estate 和 workplace services at Google; 和 Mark Rodgers, university architect for DU.

丹尼尔斯·迪恩(Daniels Dean)称,这是“我们大学一个独特的、绝对必要的过程” 布伦特Chrite 开始比赛,注意到空间,参与和社区之间的关系. “Space matters. 我们相信我们的学生应该得到一个世界级的物理空间,这是我们的旗舰区-马库斯广场,他说. “这是一种完全直观和自然的融合,将我们REBE项目中学生的能量和洞察力与一系列令人难以置信的顾问结合在一起, external stakeholders, supporters 和 our faculty, to impact the future of our college 和 our community.”

Barbara Jackson, director of the 富兰克林L. Burns School of Real Estate 和 Construction Management, provided context for the presentations: The student teams were formed in fall 2016; each was paired with a professional construction 和 architecture firm support team; the student teams conducted extensive interviews with other students, faculty 和 DU’s facilities department about Marcus Commons; they looked at spaces at other universities 和 institutions; they spoke with contractors, engineers 和 interior designers; 和 each concept had to incorporate the Marion J. Crean协作实验室-一个独特的实验室和协作空间,为伯恩斯学校的学生,以前教授迈克·Crean的母亲的名字命名.

“They have been challenged to re-imagine, 这个词是有意为之的,因为当你背负着过去的负担时,很难创造新的机会和创新,杰克逊说. “You can certainly be informed by it, 但我想让学生们重新想象21世纪的学习、参与和合作空间是什么样子.”

While glass elements, 带有植物的“活”墙和允许不同配置的灵活座椅是这三个概念的共同特征, each team put its own spin on the assignment. Swinerton团队的概念包括西南天井上的火坑, 该团队希望在后期阶段将传感器整合到Marcus Commons中,以帮助跟踪使用情况和其他数据. Team Fransen Pittman incorporated a slide into its design, 培养乐趣, creativity 和 wellness in the space, 除了作为从二楼到达主楼层的一种手段. Mortenson团队概念的核心是合作者——“漂浮的”,包裹在玻璃里——以及一个用于演讲和其他聚会的圆形剧场. The teams’ designs range in estimated cost from $2.4 million to $6 million.

Presenters at Marcus Commons Re-Imagining

After their respective 30-minute presentations, 参赛队伍先回答评委提出的问题,然后在评委的审议过程中回答与会者提出的额外问题.

While all the teams delivered strong, detailed presentations 和 well-executed concepts, 最后,裁判将第一名授予了斯威纳顿队的学生——汤姆·汉纳, Taylor Iascone, Jack Ross 和 Lukas Schroeder. 由格兰特·克劳斯、布莱克·莱恩汉和托马斯·塔富尔组成的摩顿森队获得第二名. 由乔安妮·周、克里斯·兰辛格和卢卡斯·马龙组成的弗兰森·皮特曼队获得第三名. With the winning concept chosen, 丹尼尔斯现在将寻求资金来推进马库斯·康姆斯的重新构想.

Although only one team came in first place, all the students received invaluable experience, learning how to work with others to tackle a complex project, 同时获得正规赌博十大平台排行房地产和建筑行业的新见解.

“空间和设计影响着我们社会中发生的一切,杰克逊说 in closing the competition. “A lot of people think of real estate as just selling houses. Do you see how exciting this industry really is? And how influential?”