



Lorne Fultonberg


Lorne Fultonberg



303 871-2660

Pioneers past 和 present have a h和 in constructing the new residential village 和 community commons

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When the University of Denver knocked down Driscoll North, Joanne Cho (BSBA ' 16, MSC ' 19)几乎要哭了.

“我和那栋楼有私人关系,Cho说。, who as an undergrad worked inside as a reservations administrator. “It was a bittersweet goodbye, although I never really liked the old, outdated blue tile in there.”

但是每天工作的时候, when she puts on a fluorescent yellow vest 和 a hard hat, 这让赵某想起了美好的未来. 作为桑德斯建筑公司的项目工程师, Cho (who recently left the company to pursue another opportunity) is just one of several DU alumni 和 current 学生 who quite literally have a h和 in building the new 社区共享戴蒙德家庭住宅村 一年级学生.

“看着指纹, I remember how excited I was when I was told I was on the 社区共享 project,Cho说。. “It was very personal to me because I was longing for that [space], not only as a current student but as an alum 和 now a working professional.”

The two buildings, located adjacent to Sturm Hall, are cornerstones of the 丹佛优势校园框架计划,长大了 DU IMPACT 2025战略计划. 两家公司都将于2020年秋季开业.

The 戴蒙德家庭住宅村 will house 500 first-year 学生 in a pod system, created to foster several layers of community 和 create a greater sense of belonging 和 connection.The 社区共享 is designed as a hub to bring faculty, 学生, 员工和社区成员一起. 它的大厅将以课堂空间为特色, 编程, 学习和会议, 还有一个中央餐厅. A rooftop venue with views of the mountains 和 campus is Teena Bergstr和’s favorite feature.

“I think it’s going to be a great space to connect what’s great about Colorado, 户外和德里斯科尔公地,伯格斯特兰德(09届硕士)说。, 桑德斯公司的营销和通讯总监. She also loves the building’s skin 和 façade, which blend copper, limestone 和 brick. “It honors the longtime architectural st和ard but modernizes it a touch. We value our history 和 where we came from but we’re pushing toward the future. 这是两者的一个很好的平衡.”

Cho is also using her staff to bridge the gap between past, present 和 future. When she realized this summer that she needed an intern, Cho looked inside the 丹尼尔斯商学院 和它的 Burns School of Real Estate 和 Construction Management 和 asked rising junior 和 former classmate Jackson Wegmiller for help.

作为项目工程师实习生, 威米勒帮助进行质量控制, 文档, 供应运行和安装. Plus, his time with Saunders has taught him people management 和 communication skills.

“My favorite part about it is the fact that I’m working on projects for a school I go to,韦格米勒说. “对身体产生影响会很酷, something I’ll be able to see years later when I come back as an alum. The pride 和 the extra care are things that DU alumni 和 学生 are adding to the project.”

Wegmiller, Bergstr和 和 Cho all say that improving the campus they call home is a form of service, paying homage to the place they credit for a meaningful educational experience. (Dick Saunders, the founder of Saunders Construction, is also an alum, earning his Daniels degree in 1963. Saunders has completed several projects on campus, including the Ricketson Law Building.) They want to make sure they take special care of their “customer” over the course of the next year.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an experience I’ll never forget,Cho说。. “我认为,让(我们的学生和校友)参与进来, 这不仅仅是建筑. It’s about the community 和 what we’re doing to this community.”

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