
再生未来中心 seeks to promote a circular economy, 防止浪费, 在校园建立关爱社区. We offer several services that promote regenerative ideals 和 are available to all DU community members. The Thrift Store/Used Bookstore is located on the first floor of Centennial Halls, the 食物 Pantry is located under the bridge next to the ID office in Driscoll South, the Bike Shop 和 Gear Garage are located in the basement of Nagel Hall, 和 深红色的堆肥 operates out if the Center's home suite in Community Commons. Each of these acts as "store fronts" that can be utilized simply possessing a DU ID number.

Each storefront is designed to make items that are typically expensive or inaccessible, 和 provide them to the DU community at a low-cost or free of charge. 通过这样做, we hope to improve equity at DU 和 ensure that anyone can make a choice that promotes a regenerative lifestyle.




The Thrift Store is DU's first full-time market that collects 和 sells gently-used items donated by students 和 staff. 再生未来中心 has been hosting pop-up Thrift Stores since 2018, but in 2021 we celebrated the gr和 opening of our brick-和-mortar location in Centennial Halls. 这家商店力图提供廉价服装, 厨房用具, 装饰, 和 other items essential to life in a residence hall to anyone in the DU community. Everything in the store was collected either through the Moveout Donation Drive, 或者全年滚动捐款, which ensures that common items that students need at school are kept out of the l和fill 和 easily placed in the h和s of new people who need the items. The store rotates its inventory regularly, so come by to take a look, grab something new (to you)! 




正规赌博十大平台排行学食品储藏室是一个免费的资源提供给学生, 教师, 和 staff who are experiencing food insecurity either as a singular event or as a chronic condition. The program is a supplementary food pantry to support those in need. DU community members can take home one pre-packaged bag of food per week, 还可以在食品储藏室买到新鲜的农产品. We are located under the Driscoll Bridge next to the ID office 和 our hours are updated every quarter. If you would like more information about food pantry options in the Denver Metro area, 请给我们发邮件!




DU自行车店提供低成本和免费维修, 诊断, 并为DU社区的任何人修理自行车. 我们的大部分服务都是免费的, 当你需要更换零件时, 你只要付我们付的钱. This model saves DU students 和 community members thous和s of dollars every year, which means that keeping you on two wheels is more affordable than ever. Our highly-trained mechanics offer most basic services, from replacing a flat tube to full-tunes. We are located in the basement of Nagel Hall, with hours being updated every quarter. 过来看看我们吧!




The DU齿轮车库 seeks to make recreating in the Rocky Mountains more accessible to students who may not have come to DU with a full closet of outdoor gear. We offer low-cost rentals of everything you'll need for your next backpacking, 野营, 或者日间徒步探险. From tents 和 sleeping bags to yard games 和 first-aid kits, we will have what you need to get to know the incredible l和scape in our back yard. 




Even while trying to improve our environmental impact on campus, the Center for a Regenerative Future hopes to improve sustainability metrics for the City of Denver as well. The 深红色的堆肥 program seeks to give access to commercial composting services that many students - particularly ones who live in apartment buildings - are not able to get from city. Students can sign up for monthly or annual subscriptions that give them access to a centrally-located compost dumpster. 他们的会员资格给了他们一个堆肥桶, 一些可堆肥的废物衬垫, 和 other welcome materials that will show them how to use the service 和 what they are allowed to compost with us. 



The Center for 可持续性 now has a loyalty 和 rewards system! 访问 any of our events or use any of the 可持续性 Marketplace 项目 above to get a punch card 和/or your next punch.

By getting all six punches on your cards, you are eligible to receive one of the following rewards:

  • 下次在旧货店买东西可以减5美元
  • A free prize from the Bike Shop like a water bottle or reusable bag
  • 下次Gear Garage租赁可减免5美元(这是一件免费物品)!)
  • 更多的奖品即将到来!

兑换这张积分卡, just visit the location of your choice with your completed card, 或者当你收到第六张邮票的时候, 把这张卡片给工作的人. The fully punched out card serves as your coupon, helping us to reduce waste as well!

Not only does the 奖励卡片 help you earn great prizes from Center for 可持续性 项目, 但它可以帮助我们更好地了解谁在使用我们的程序, 以及人们如何了解我们提供的不同服务. You can help us make our 项目 和 offerings better by providing us with this information!
